As a general practitioner we follow your lifecycle and we want to take care of all the aspects of your well-being: medical, psychologic, socio-cultural and socially (to care).
In our medical decision-making process we base ourselves as much as possible on scientifically proven therapy (evidence based medicine), but with attention to your individual story and history. For you and with you we come to the right treatment (to cure).
Besides these ‘care’ en ‘cure’ accents, we engage ourselves a lot with the prevention of illness and the restoration and conservation of equilibrity for body and mind (to prevent). This is about cancer-preventive examinations, cessation of smoking, approach of obesitas and sedentarity (not moving enough), adjustments in life rhythm , prevention of burn-out,...
Your body is the only place you always have to live in. Take good care!
The doctors and paramedics of Huisartsen Plus are convinced that a good self-care (taking care of mind and body) contributes strongly to a happy and balanced life. Often a disease is a healthy signal of the body on a disturbance in balance, from the inside or the outside. Therefore we always look at 'illness' from a more broad perspective and we try, besides the pure 'curing of disease', to look if we find disturbances in balance, which we can help te restore. The restoration of balance can be done through medication or even an operation, but often a better balance is attended by adjustments in nutrition, movement and breathing, lifestyle and life rhythm,... The doctors and paramedics (dietician, physiotherapist/relaxation therapist, psychologist,...) will guide you.
'In the practice' a good and intense communication between the different caregivers is an evidence. This contributes to the quality of care and thus to your well-being!
Also outside the practice, we give a lot of attention to good communication with general practitioners, specialists and caregivers of other disciplines. In this way we can always refer you towards the most suitable cargegiver for your problem.
In our medical decision-making process we base ourselves as much as possible on scientifically proven therapy (evidence based medicine), but with attention to your individual story and history. For you and with you we come to the right treatment (to cure).
Besides these ‘care’ en ‘cure’ accents, we engage ourselves a lot with the prevention of illness and the restoration and conservation of equilibrity for body and mind (to prevent). This is about cancer-preventive examinations, cessation of smoking, approach of obesitas and sedentarity (not moving enough), adjustments in life rhythm , prevention of burn-out,...
Your body is the only place you always have to live in. Take good care!
The doctors and paramedics of Huisartsen Plus are convinced that a good self-care (taking care of mind and body) contributes strongly to a happy and balanced life. Often a disease is a healthy signal of the body on a disturbance in balance, from the inside or the outside. Therefore we always look at 'illness' from a more broad perspective and we try, besides the pure 'curing of disease', to look if we find disturbances in balance, which we can help te restore. The restoration of balance can be done through medication or even an operation, but often a better balance is attended by adjustments in nutrition, movement and breathing, lifestyle and life rhythm,... The doctors and paramedics (dietician, physiotherapist/relaxation therapist, psychologist,...) will guide you.
'In the practice' a good and intense communication between the different caregivers is an evidence. This contributes to the quality of care and thus to your well-being!
Also outside the practice, we give a lot of attention to good communication with general practitioners, specialists and caregivers of other disciplines. In this way we can always refer you towards the most suitable cargegiver for your problem.