Medical information
Flu vaccination
Who needs the vaccine?
There are three groups where the vaccine is recommended.
• Group 1: persons with a high risk for complications (pregnant women, chronic diseased (>6 months), >65+ age, persons in institutions, children >6months under long aspirine therapy)
• Group 2: people who work in the health sector
• Group 3: people who live together with persons from group 1 or with children under 6 months.
We also recommend the vaccine for persons between 50 and 65 years old.
Are there side effects?
After the injection you can have a slight pain in the arm for one day, but you won't get sick.
You won't get the flu, cause the vaccine contains dead (so not effective) virus particles.
How does the flu vaccine work?
When you get the vaccine, your body will react by making antibodies against the virus. The vaccine works after two weeks. When you get in contact with the fluvirus later, the antibodies can make it harmless. This effect stays for 6 months.
Why do we need a vaccine every year?
The flu virus changes, when it does our body doesn't recognise the virus anymore. Therefore it's possible to get the flu every year, and that's why at the end of every year we need a new vaccination.
Cave! The flu vaccine only works for real flu (influenza), not for a regular cold.
Who needs the vaccine?
There are three groups where the vaccine is recommended.
• Group 1: persons with a high risk for complications (pregnant women, chronic diseased (>6 months), >65+ age, persons in institutions, children >6months under long aspirine therapy)
• Group 2: people who work in the health sector
• Group 3: people who live together with persons from group 1 or with children under 6 months.
We also recommend the vaccine for persons between 50 and 65 years old.
Are there side effects?
After the injection you can have a slight pain in the arm for one day, but you won't get sick.
You won't get the flu, cause the vaccine contains dead (so not effective) virus particles.
How does the flu vaccine work?
When you get the vaccine, your body will react by making antibodies against the virus. The vaccine works after two weeks. When you get in contact with the fluvirus later, the antibodies can make it harmless. This effect stays for 6 months.
Why do we need a vaccine every year?
The flu virus changes, when it does our body doesn't recognise the virus anymore. Therefore it's possible to get the flu every year, and that's why at the end of every year we need a new vaccination.
Cave! The flu vaccine only works for real flu (influenza), not for a regular cold.